2nd version – Climate Change Solutions Discussion

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Solutions! Once we know the Physical Science (the focus of this class) the ultimate goal is to find solutions! There is no single magic bullet out there – but rather LOTS of ideas afoot: Policy, Engineering, Business ideas to reduce waste, Zero waste life styles, Art Installations to get the word out, Protests, Civil disobedience, all ideas can span the: Individual, Institution, Community, State, Federal, or Global scales and we are likely to need them all – all hands on deck! Here are some options for you to choose from – to listen to, watch, or read -and summarize the most salient points to share with others in the class. It would be great if you also search for your own resources outlining solutions. https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5tZWdhcGhvbmUuZm0vdGhlZXpyYWtsZWluc2hvdw/episode/Y2ZmMzFjYWUtZmE3My0xMWU4LTkyN2EtNjM1OWRmZDA5NmUx?hl=en&ep=6&at=1577148202029 https://www.ourweb.tech/realtruth-climate-panel/ https://www.drawdown.org/solutions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kudilj10H4E https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nFx8UKTyjEteYO87-x06mVEkTs6RSPBi/view https://www.evolved.energy/post/2019/05/08/350-ppm-pathways-for-the-united-states https://static1.squarespace.com/static/571d109b04426270152febe0/t/5f7e3da0bd65dc2941e03f43/1602108935616/350+PPM+Pathways+Florida+Report.pdf?utm_source=Our+Children%27s+Trust+Newsletter&utm_campaign=032709d5e1-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_06_01_10_49_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_4094e87487-032709d5e1-116190217 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAavDmyXY44 https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/02/podcasts/the-daily/biden-climate-agenda.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEHot7F_dnI Other of your choice (Make sure to include the link!) Instructions Compose your response in a Word document. You’ll submit in two ways – see submission instructions below for details. Provide a summary of three points you find most useful from one or all of these these sites, or from sites you find on your own (2.5 pts each) and one crazy creative idea of your own (2.5 pts). Make sure each has a title and a paragraph written in your own words – don’t plagiarize! First person may be easiest, e.g.: “I found an article in . The ideas that I found to be most interesting were ” Then provide a title and paragraph explaining each idea separately. (2.5 points per major point, one paragraph each, 10 points max.). An extended essay comparing and contrasting a range of potential solutions in 1500 or more words would be worth up to 20 pts total. Make sure to divide your thoughts into at least 8 paragraphs. Note: Use your own words. All Discussion posts and Lab submissions must be written in your own words, even if you work through the course or lab material with someone else in the class. Also do not copy from subtitles. See Plagiarizing Definitions and Consequences (Start Here module) for more information.

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2nd version – Climate Change Solutions Discussion

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