Answer the following questions(Timefreq_Processing)

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1. Generate two signals with a length of 200, x1=sin(2*pi*10*t)+randn1(1, 200) and x2=2sin(2pi*5*t)+randn2(1, 200), where t=[0:99]/100. (randn1 and randn2 are two different random noises generated by randn.) a) Describe the main features of the autocorrelation coefficients and the cross-correlation of the two functions;b) Plot the above three coefficients in Matlab.c)Find their CSD using two methods and compare them to see if they are the same in Matlab.2.

2. Generate a data sequence using randn(1, 600) multiplied by a cosine function with a period of 200. Find the envelope of the data using the following method: a) take the absolute value and do a low-pass filtering b) find the local max and min of the data and connect the maxima and minima (you may need to apply some smoothing) c) Use the envelogram method. Discuss the characteristics of the three methods.

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Answer the following questions(Timefreq_Processing)

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