Assignment: A financial aspect that will need to be taken into account when developing the evidence-based change proposal.
Assignment: A financial aspect that will need to be taken into account when developing the evidence-based change proposal.
April Toepfer
2 posts
Re: Topic 6 DQ 1
A financial aspect that will need to be taken into account when developing the evidence-based change proposal will be cost comparison of skin preparation solutions. Chlorapreps average cost is $7.08 per unit and Povodine-Iodine average cost per unit is $1.71 per unit (Siting, Carlson, 2010).
A quality aspect that will need to be taken into account when developing the evidence-based change proposal for reducing surgical site infection will be an intervention including the proper selection of an antiseptic product for skin preparation (Quality).
A clinical aspect that will need to be taken into account when developing the evidence-based change proposal will choosing the best solution based on the surgical site location and the wound classification such as clean, clean-contaminated, contaminated or dirty (Preparing the skin, 2014).
Preparing the skin for surgery (2014). Retrieved from:
Siting, Z., Carlson, A. (2010) Budget Impact analysis of three presurgical antisepsis protocols. Retrieved from:
Quality improvement program ensures preoperative adherence to CDC SSI prevention guidelines and reduces orthoepedic SSis 66%. Retrieved from:
Dounfo Thelusma
2 posts
Re: Topic 6 DQ 1
One financial aspect to consider with this project is the financial cost of the condom distribution program. Finding resources to fund the project will play a major role because as it is now, the targeted public places are not offering free condoms and it’s due to lack of funds. Mehringer et al (2017) found in a study that most primary care providers are not currently distributing condoms in the office setting, but most would be willing to consider distributing condoms if they had assistance with financing and organizing this service.
One quality aspect to consider is ensuring that the condoms distributed are cost efficient while being good quality. It’s important that the condoms check each box necessary to provide safe, healthy and enjoyable sex but also not being costly.
One clinical aspect is to ensure there is enough staff available to do pop ups, host conferences and educational hours to educate on safe sex practice and how to use condoms. Distributing condoms free of charge is the first step but the community needs to also be taught on how and why to use condoms. They can also be taught about web based CDPs. Web-based CDPs allow individuals to order free condoms online (McCool-Myers, 2019).
McCool-Myers, M. (2019). Implementing Condom Distribution Programs in the United States: Qualitative Insights from Program Planners. Evaluation and Program Planning, 74, 20–26.
Mehringer, J. E., Gibson, E. J., Huang, J.-X., & Frankowski, B. L. (2017). Providers’ Practices and Beliefs Regarding Distribution of Condoms to Adolescents in the Primary Care Office Setting. Journal of Adolescent Health, 2.
Alyssa Camacho
1 posts
Re: Topic 6 DQ 1
One financial aspect that needs to be considered is the cost of training nursing staff on educational material and development of the educational program. There will be a need to train the nursing staff on what education to provide, how the program will work and how to follow up with patients. Whenever there is an EBP change being considered, it is important to consider cost. “Costs to be considered entail education of staff and costs incurred through implementation of change practices (Wurmser, 2009).
A quality aspect to consider is how the change can impact patient outcomes. Creating the EBP practice change proposal is for the purpose of bringing a change in order to promote positive patient outcomes and health promotion within the community. It is necessary to take into account how the change will impact the patients and evaluate their outcomes after the project is implemented. Questions to be considered would be Do patient caregivers feel more confident in their knowledge of heart failure and their ability to care for their loved ones after taking part in the educational program? Do patients display better self-care behaviors related to caregiver participation in heart failure care and education?
A clinical aspect to take into account is staff available to carry out the proposal. When implementing an EBP change, it is important to ensure that you have an adequate amount of staff with the proper amount of knowledge, skills and necessary equipment to carry out the change project (Titler, 2008). My proposal will require nursing staff to be trained and educated on the educational material to be provided to the patient’s caregivers.
Titler, M. (2008, April). The Evidence for Evidence-Based Practice Implementation. Retrieved September 22, 2020, from
Wurmser, Teri, RN, NEA-BC, MPH, PhD The financial case for EBP, Nursing Management: February 2009 – Volume 40 – Issue 2 – p 12-14 doi: 10.1097/01.NUMA.0000345867.84071.fa
April Toepfer
2 posts
Re: Topic 6 DQ 2
Surgical site infections account for more than 15% of all healthcare associated infections and affect at least 5% of patients who have surgery. Surgical site infections occur when microorganisms are introduced into the incision site during surgical procedure. The proposed solution is to reduce surgical site infections by minimizing the number of microorganisms introduced into the procedure site with the use of the most effective skin preparation solution while using aseptic technique by nurses during skin preparation (Surgical skin Prep, 2014).
When starting the process change research I envisioned that the project would include just determining which solution is best at decreasing SSI , but after working on the project I found that there are many factors that are included in choosing the best solution based on the site and the procedure that is involved. Another change that will be included in the project that I was not anticipating was involving the surgeons and providing education to them as well, because most of them have a preference based on the fact of that is what they have always done and not based on research. After completing a risk analysis and SBAR, education will need to be conducted with surgeons and nursing staff on choosing the best solution and best technique for skin preparation of procedure sites.
Preparing the skin for surgery (2014). Retrieved from:
Re: Topic 6 DQ 2
Heart failure is a complicated disease process that requires ongoing care and support from health care providers, caregivers and patient self-care behaviors. Caregivers are often involved in care of patients with heart failure but are not always involved in heart failure education. Involving caregivers in heart failure education is an important aspect to patient self-care as well as improving caregiver confidence in heart failure knowledge to care for the patient effectively (Bidwell, Higgins, Riley, Clark, Dunbar, et al. 2018).
When I first started I thought of the intervention of developing an educational program for only caregivers of heart fai;ure patients. After evaluating my research, I have found that it may be more beneficial to include patients and their caregivers in the educational program together. This ensures that both patient and caregiver receive the same education and can learn and build confidence together in order to promote better self-care and positive patient outcomes. It has helped me realize that family can play a big role in a patient’s social determinants of health. “The consequences of families without perceived partnerships with healthcare providers are poorer outcomes and less satisfaction with care” (Deatrick, 2017). Heart failure is complex and requires communication between caregivers, patients and their health care providers in order to have the best outcomes.
Bidwell, J. T., Higgins, M. K., Reilly, C. M., Clark, P. C., & Dunbar, S. B. (2018). Shared heart failure knowledge and self-care outcomes in patient-caregiver dyads. Heart & Lung, 47(1), 32–39.
Deatrick, J. (2017, October 19). Where Is “Family” in the Social Determinants of Health? Implications for Family Nursing Practice, Research, Education, and Policy – Janet A. Deatrick, 2017. Retrieved from
4 posts
Re: Topic 6 DQ 2
Dounfo Thelusma
4 posts
The organization is a community health center that provides care and support to a community comprised of mostly individuals who cannot afford medical services. One of the major chief complaints that young individuals (18-25 years old) come to the community health center for is sexually transmitted illnesses (STIs). These individuals often have not been educated properly on sexual activity at school or at home, and they just cannot afford to buy condoms. Education is well needed and must be persistent but other resources are needed. Testing and treatment are expensive. There are preventive ways to decrease the number of individuals affected by STIs and one of them is making condoms available free of charge to the community. Condoms are one of the most effective strategies to prevent the spread of HIV and STIs (Mudonhi et al, 2020). STIs are preventable illnesses and with the right resources available, distribution of condoms can make a positive impact on reducing the amount of people affected by STIs. Condom distribution initiatives can play an important role in increasing condom access (Tibbits et al, 2018).
Since I’ve started, I’ve realized that the intervention doesn’t only involve making condoms available. It’s also important to educate the patients because even with the resources available, some might still not want to use condoms. Educating these individuals on safe sex practice, how to use/wear condoms, and why condoms matter also play a part in making this intervention successful. Research and collaborating with my preceptor and picking her brain have helped me realize that I need to ensure education goes hand in hand with my proposed intervention.
Mudonhi, N., Nunu, W. N., Ndlovu, B., Khumalo, N., & Dube, O. (2020). Adolescents and Parents’ Perceptions of Condom Distribution in Selected Secondary Schools in the HighDensity Suburbs of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Sexuality & Culture, 24(3), 485–503.
Tibbits, M., Ndashe, T. P., King, K., & Siahpush, M. (2018). Promoting Condom Use Through a Youth-Focused Community-Wide Free Condom Distribution Initiative. American Journal of Public Health, 108(11), 1506–1508.