Bowen Intergenerational Family Therapy Conceptualization

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Bowen Intergenerational Family Therapy Conceptualization

Bowen Intergenerational Family Therapy Conceptualization


Bowen Intergenerational Family Therapy Conceptualization

For use with individual, couple, or family clients

Date: â€‚     Clinician: â€‚     Client/Case #: â€‚    

Introduction to Client & Significant Others

Identify significant persons in client’s relational/family life who will be mentioned in case conceptualization:

Adults/Parents: Select identifier/abbreviation for use in rest of case conceptualization

: Age: â€‚     Occupation: â€‚     Other: â€‚    

: Age: â€‚     Occupation: â€‚     Other: â€‚    

Children/Adult Children: Select identifier/abbreviation for use in rest of case conceptualization

: Age:      Grade: Other: â€‚    

: Age:      Grade: Other: â€‚    

: Age:      Grade: Other: â€‚    

: Age:      Grade: Other: â€‚    

Others: Identify all: â€‚    

Presenting Concerns

Describe each significant person’s description of the problem:

: â€‚    

: â€‚    

: â€‚    

: â€‚    

Additional: â€‚    

Broader System: Description of problem from extended family, referring party, school, legal system, etc.:

Extended Family: â€‚    

Name: â€‚    

Name: â€‚    

Background Information

Trauma/Abuse History (recent and past): â€‚    

Substance Use/Abuse (current and past; self, family of origin, significant others): â€‚    

Precipitating Events (recent life changes, first symptoms, stressors, etc.): â€‚    

Related Historical Background (earlier incidents, family history, related issues, prior treatment, etc.): â€‚    

Family Projection Process

Describe evidence of parental projection onto their child(ren), such as emotionally reactive behavior between family members; describe how it relates to symptoms, etc.: â€‚    

Patterns of Differentiation and Fusion

Describe how the couple/family promotes togetherness and separateness; provide examples:      

Describe each person’s relative level of differentiation and ability to effectively manage conflict without reactivity; provide examples: â€‚    

Describe patterns of fusion, in current and past generations; provide examples: â€‚    

Emotional Triangles and Cutoff

|_| Triangles within current partnership: Describe: â€‚    

|_| Triangles with family of origin: Describe:     

|_| Other triangles: â€‚    

|_| Emotional cut-offs in extended family: Describe all:     

Sibling Position

Describe sibling position patterns that seem to be relevant for the family, current, and earlier generations: â€‚    

Multigenerational Transmission Process

Describe multigenerational transmission of functioning, attending to acculturation issues, residual effects of trauma and loss, significant legacies, use of alcohol and drugs etc.: â€‚    

Multigenerational Patterns Informed by Diversity Factors

Describe how multigenerational patterns are informed by relevant diversity factors, including those related to cultural, ethnicity, racial, immigration, acculturation, gender, religious, socio-economic, ability, and sex/gender identity: â€‚    .

Intergenerational Patterns from Genogram

Construct a family genogram and include all relevant information including:

· Names, ages and birth/death dates

· Relational patterns

· Occupations

· Psychiatric disorders and alcohol/substance abuse

· Abuse history

· Personality adjectives

Genogram should be attached to report. Summarize key findings below:

Substance/Alcohol Abuse: |_| NA |_| History: â€‚    

Sexual/Physical/Emotional Abuse: |_| NA |_| History: â€‚    

Parent/Child Relations: |_| NA |_| History: â€‚    

Physical/Mental Disorders: |_| NA |_| History: â€‚    

History Related to Presenting Problem: |_| NA |_| History: â€‚    

Describe family strengths, such as the capacity to self-regulate and to effectively manage stress: â€‚    

 [Type text] 

 1© 2016. Diane R. Gehart, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

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Bowen Intergenerational Family Therapy Conceptualization

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