Case Study

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Case Study
The purpose for this assignment is to allow you the opportunity to apply key concepts from the course. These include application of Porter’s five forces model and completion of a SWOT analysis. The assignment is based on a foodservice case study identified by your faculty member. Once you have read the case study, read the article titled: Guidelines for applying Porter’s five forces framework: A set of industry analysis templates. This article will provide insights on how to apply Porter’s five forces to the case. Review your notes about SWOT analysis from readings in your text. Carefully review the guidelines listed below and then begin the writing process.

When your case is completed, you must submit your final draft via the assignment link in week 7. Please be advised that submissions will not be accepted via email or any other method.

The assignment includes four sections – an introduction, a background analysis, application of decision support tools (SWOT and Five Forces), final recommendations and problem solving.

• What is your paper about? Explain the paper (not the case).

Background Analysis & Interpretation
• Does the organization have a vision and mission? If yes, please describe each?
• (when answering this question use data provided directly from the organization website not a secondary source)
• Who is the organization’s target market?
• What is the organizational structure? Who is in charge?
• What is the organization’s foodservice market segment?
• Who are the organizations competitors? What companies occupy the organizations competitive group? Where does the organization fit within its competitive group?
• What is the organizations market niche (what differentiates it from the others in its competitive group)?

Application of Decision Support Tools
• What are the organizations Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats? (Please complete and submit a SWOT analysis with narrative explaining your findings – include a SWOT table populated with data from your analysis)
• Apply Porter’s Five Forces to the case. (Please complete and submit a Five Forces analysis with narrative explaining your findings, rate each force – include a five forces table populated with data from your analysis)

Recommendations & Problem Solving

  1. List at least three specific recommendations for strengthening the company. Be sure to support your recommendations with evidence from your analysis. In other words – use the findings from your SWOT and Five Forces to inform the recommendations you make.

Note: You may have to do additional web research specific to the industry discussed in the case when completing the SWOT and five forces analyses – be sure to plan accordingly. Please answer the questions listed above in narrative, not bullet form. Please use tables as well as narrative when writing up your five forces and SWOT analyses. Weave your answers into a thoughtful paper. Take your time and thoroughly proof read and edit your writing prior to submitting.

Paper Format: your paper must be typed and edited.
Total Length: 6-8 pages including a cover page, 4-6 pages of content, works cited
Font Size: 12 point font
Line Spacing: Space and a half
Margin: 1” maximum (L an R)
Page Numbers: Bottom of page, center, starting on page 2

  1. Cover Page Includes: Student Name, Professor’s Name, Class, Assignment, and Due Date
  2. Introduction (create heading)
    Your introduction provides the reader with the overarching perspective you will share throughout your paper. Tell the reader what your paper is about. (Your introduction summarizes the paper not the case itself)
  3. Background Analysis & Interpretation (create heading)
    This is where you weave answers to the questions listed above into your paper. Make sure this section progresses logically from one paragraph to the next. An easy way to assure you maintain logical progression is to write up this section of the paper and analyze the content of each paragraph to confirm that the main points in one paragraph link with or properly set up the very next one. A well written paper flows from one paragraph to the next with intention and clarity.
  4. Application of Decision Support Tools (create heading)
    Complete a SWOT and Five Forces analysis using the information shared in class and included in the readings.
  5. Recommendations & Problem Solving
    Review the most important findings from your SWOT and Five Forces analysis and devise recommendations to help strengthen or improve the organizations competitive position or probability for success. Be sure to reference your findings from SWOT and Five Forces and be sure your recommendations are informed by the background analysis as well. Use logic when making recommendations.
  6. Works Cited Page (Proper MLA format is required)

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