Case study client information and presenting problem.
Case study client information and presenting problem.
In this milestone, you will be reading this Case Study. In the previous milestone, you focused on the addiction and its effects. In Milestone Two, you will want to focus on the assessment used as well as the addiction. Consider the following in this paper:
- Case study client information and presenting problem
- Identify the client (gender, age, race, profession).
- Identify the addiction that this client presents with.
- Does he have a substance addiction, like alcohol, prescription drugs, or illicit drugs?
- Does he have a process addiction, like gambling, video gaming, or shopping?
- Identify the client (gender, age, race, profession).
- Assessment
- Identify the physiological procedure the client uses for administration of his addiction (oral, injection, watching videos, phone calls).
- Describe the type of environment in which the client spends his time.
- Is there support within the family?
- Does the client hang around with friends who are using addictive substances?
- Is the client working for a company where his addiction is encouraged?
- What is the client’s philosophical stand about his addiction?
- What is his motivation level for getting help?
- Is there a sense of hope or hopelessness?
- Addiction information
- Provide the history of the addiction. (Is it a substance or process addiction?)
- What is the history of the addiction? Remember, there are many types of addiction, and not all were defined around that time. For example, video game addiction was not officially defined until 1995, while alcohol addiction was defined in 1941.
- Differentiate between the physiological and psychological effects of the addiction.
- Does the addiction physiologically affect the subject’s behaviors and mental processes? If so, how?
- Does the addiction psychologically affect the subject’s behaviors and mental processes? If so, how?
- Provide the history of the addiction. (Is it a substance or process addiction?)
- Results
- Discuss the results of this case.
- Did the client respond positively to the treatment?
- Did the client relapse?
- Discuss the results of this case.
Your paper should:
- Be composed in MS Word and formatted in APA style
- Be at least 3 pages in length, not including the title page and references page
- Employ a minimum of two scholarly sources
For additional details, please refer to the Case Study Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.
4-3 Prevention Program: Continue WorkConsider the funding sources and the marketing aspects for your prevention program. Research some sources that could provide funding or material for your use. For example, SAMHSA provides at little to no cost information, pamphlets, and kits for a wide range of addictions. What could you use to provide material for your prevention program? What are some additional options for getting your program visible?Examples:
- Social media
- Community fundraisers
- Block party
- Community carwash