Response posts are due Sun., May 30.
- You must thoughtfully answer the following question in your original post:
Discuss how the intercultural communication began and evolved historically as a field of study. Also, discuss how the work of E.T. Hall at the Foreign Service Institute left a lasting impact on the field of intercultural communication. Use the textbook, the Rogers and Steinfatt (1999), and Kim’s (2001) article to answer. Make sure to include citations, including page numbers for direct quotes.
- Then you must thoughtfully answer one of the following questions in your original post:
(Please give the number to the question you are answering in the subject line of your post.)
1. Think of your most likely career choice. Describe a situation in which effective intercultural communication would be useful. Be sure to apply textbook ideas in your answer. For example, chapter 2 defines intercultural communication and culture. It explains how culture is transmitted through globalization and immigration, the presence of a dominant culture and co-cultures, and the dynamic, symbolic, and contextual nature of intercultural communication. How will these impact your career? Cite the textbook.
2. “It’s a small world” is more than just a cliché these days. What are some of the factors that have caused an increase in the interaction between and interdependence of different cultures? Cite the textbook.
3. Use an internet search engine and read a few articles about globalization. What is it? Does globalization mean we need to study intercultural communication? What are the communication implications of the “global village” or the “global economy?” Cite the internet article(s) you use to write your post.
4. Compare and contrast international and domestic intercultural contact. How do the terms “dominant culture” and “co-culture” fit into the types of symbols and messages that are sent and received in international and domestic intercultural contact? How do “individual uniqueness,” “stereotyping,” and “objectivity” fit into the types of symbols and messages that are sent and received in international and domestic intercultural contact? Cite the textbook.
5. What is your definition of effective communication? How does your definition of effective communication relate to each of the functions of communication (gathering information, fulfilling interpersonal needs, establishing identity, influencing others, etc.) addressed in chapter 1? What role do dynamism, symbolism, and context play in the effective communication process? Can a person ever truly understand another person fully? Cite the textbook.
6. Explain the concept that communication is culture and culture is communication. Another way to think about this question is similar to the old chicken and egg question: which came first, the chicken or the egg? Which came first, communication or culture? And can one exist without the other? Cite the textbook.
7. Discuss each of five main themes of intercultural communication study. If you want to study intercultural communication area in the future, which theme (area) would be your interesting field of the study? Why? Discuss it. Cite the Kim article.
- You must thoughtfully respond at least twice to your classmates or to me. Your response posts must add to the discussion.
To achieve a superior grade for discussions, each of the following components must be satisfied:
- The content of your original post must connect to unit theories and cite the textbook
- You must cite at least one additional source in addition to the textbook from either our other assigned readings or online research (or both!)
- All posting and responding deadlines and minimum requirements must be met
- Please read the “grading rubric” so you know the specific criteria that will determine your grade