Critical Evaluation Assignment Instructions

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Critical Evaluation Assignment Instructions


For each Critical Evaluation, you must write a 1,000 – 1,200-word paper in current Turabian format that focuses on the portions of the Ehrman and Kruger textbooks specified below.


Each Critical Evaluation must include citations from the course textbooks and the Bible. Approximately half of each Critical Evaluation (500 – 600 words) must be a summary of the thesis and major points of the applicable textbook. The other half must be a critique of the textbook describing its strengths and weaknesses (actual or possible weaknesses). Your critiques must be substantive and specific. Do not include vague critiques like “it was too long,” “I found it confusing,” or “I did not find it persuasive.” Instead, include specific critiques like the following:

  • “I did not find it persuasive because…”
  • “At times the author failed to represent his opponents fairly. For example, …”
  • “The author articulated difficult concepts clearly. For instance, …”

Each Critical Evaluation must use the following headings to organize the work:

  • Introduction – Explain the textbook’s (or the chapters’) central purpose and thesis.
  • Summary – Summarize the major points of the reading.
  • Evaluation – Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the textbook.
  • Conclusion – Concisely (2 – 3 sentences) summarize your evaluation of the textbook.

Critical Evaluation: Jesus, Interrupted by Ehrman, only the chapters studied through module 4.

Critical Evaluation: The Question of Canon by Kruger, only chapters studied through module 7.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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Critical Evaluation Assignment Instructions

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