Diagnostic Impression, Treatment Plan, and Aftercare Recommendations.
Diagnostic Impression, Treatment Plan, and Aftercare Recommendations.
Case Study Instructions and Template
This is a comprehensive project divided into 2 Case Study sections. The expectation is that you will be able to show a working understanding of the course material thus far (Case Study 1: Chapters 1–5; Case Study 2: Chapters 6–7, 9). Case Study 1 will include all parts of the assessment, except the final 2 sections of treatment recommendations and recovery recommendations, which will be the requirements of Case Study 2. The chapter readings and additional materials available each week will enhance your ability to excel in this project. Review the “How to Approach a Case Study” document prior to composing your assignment.
For each case study, you are to read the provided Case Study Vignette and complete a thorough assessment based upon the information presented within the Case Study using the Case Study Template below. Both Case Studies will use the same Case Study Vignette. Case Study 1 will include the section headings Reason for Assessment through Spirituality.
Case Study 2 will include the final 3 section headings: Diagnostic Impression, Treatment Plan, and Aftercare Recommendations.
Current APA format is required for all components of the paper (title page, citations, reference list). This case study needs to be strongly supported by the literature (a minimum of 5 sources for Case Study 1 and a minimum of 5 additional sources for Case Study 2) and, if done properly, will render 15–20 pages. This project is designed for you to show a working understanding of the course materials; therefore, it is truly a comprehensive project.
Case study Rubric 125 POINTS TOTAL
Criteria | Levels of Achievement | |||
Content 70 | Advanced | Proficient | Developing | Not present |
Analyzes the project material and provides a sound rationale | 45 to 50 pointsThere is a clear, logical flow and rationale to the Case Study Vignette, the Diagnostic Impression, Treatment Plan, and Aftercare Recommendations. Scholary sources and course materials are incorporated. Major points are stated clearly and supported. | 36 – 44 pointsThe flow and rationale to the Case Study Vignette, the Diagnostic Impression, Treatment Plan, and Aftercare Recommendations is either unclear or illogical. Scholary sources and course materials are not clearly identified. Major points are unclearly stated or supported. | 1 – 35 pointsThe flow and rationale to the Case Study Vignette, the Diagnostic Impression, Treatment Plan, and Aftercare Recommendations is either unclear, illogical and/or missing. Scholary sources and course materials are are missing. Major points are not stated and not supported. | 0 pointsNot discussed. |
Exploration of important themes | 9-10 pointsAssessment reflects thoughtful analysis and exploration of the Case Study Vignette, the Diagnostic Impression, Treatment Plan, and Aftercare Recommendations through scholary sources and course materials. Competency of the Case Study Vignette and Assessment is demonstrated. | 8 pointsAssessement reflects surface analysis and exploration of the Case Study Vignette, the Diagnostic Impression, Treatment Plan, and Aftercare Recommendations through scholary sources and course materials. Competency of the Case Study Vignette and Assessment is developing. | 1 – 7 pointsAssessment does not reflect analysis and exploration of the Case Study Vignette, the Diagnostic Impression, Treatment Plan, and Aftercare Recommendations through the scholary sources and course materials. Competency of the Case Study Vignette and Assessment is not demonstrated. | 0 pointsThese areas are not included in the paper. |
Key Points Addressed | 32 – 35 pointsClear identification of key points of the Case Study Vignette, Diagnostic Impression, Treatment Plan, and Aftercare Recommendations through scholary sources and course materials is included. Clear identification of each subpoint within the Diagnostic Impression, Treatment Plan, and Aftercare Recommendations key points is included. | 27 – 31 pointsThe key points of the Case Study Vignette, the Diagnostic Impression, Treatment Plan, and Aftercare Recommendations are included but the subpoints of the two main headings (Diagnostic Impression, Treatment Plan, and Aftercare Recommendations) are minimally assessed. More support from the professional literature is needed. One of the assessment points may not be appropriate. | 1 – 26 pointsClear identification of key points learned from scholary sources and course materials is not included. Clear identification of key points and subpoints is not included. | 0 pointsThese areas are not included in the paper. |
Structure 30 | Advanced | Proficient | Developing | Not present |
Mechanics | 9-10 pointsNo grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors are present. Voice and person are used correctly and consistently. Writing is precise. Word choice is appropriate. | 8 pointsFew grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors are present. Voice and person are used correctly. Writing style is sufficient. Word choice is adequate. | 1-7 pointsSeveral grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors are present. Voice and person are used inconsistently. Writing style is understandable but could be improved. Word choice is generally good. | 0 pointsNumerous spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors are present. Voice and person are misused. Writing style is difficult to understand. Word choice is poor. |
APA Format Elements | 9-10 pointsCitations and format are in current APA style. Cover page, Citations, Running head, and References are correctly formatted. Paper is double-spaced with 1-inch margins and written in 12 point Times New Roman font. An Abstract is not needed | 8 pointsCitations and format are in current APA style with few errors. Cover page, Citations, Running head, and References are present with few errors. Paper is double-spaced with 1-inch margins and written in 12 point Times New Roman font. | 1-7 pointsCitations and format are in current APA style though several errors are present. Cover page, Citations, Running head, and References are included though several errors are present. Paper is double-spaced, but margins or fonts are incorrect. | 0 pointsCitations are not formatted correctly. Cover page, Running head, and References are not included or not formatted correctly. Paper is not double-spaced, margins are incorrect, or font is incorrect. |
Research Elements | 9-10 pointsMajor points are supported by at least 5 additional scholarly sources to the Case Study 1, including course materials. Sources are appropriate. Arguments are correctly supported with research. | 8 pointsAcademic primary and secondary materials are used and include academic journal articles and books (at least 4 additional scholarly sources to the Case Study 1). Assessments are supported with appropriate research materials. A complete and accurate Reference page is provided. | 1- pointsAcademic sources are used though popular sources are also incorporated (fewer than 3 additional scholarly sources to the Case Study 1). Assessments incorporate academic support from the professional literature but often include personal opinion without appropriate support. Sources are, at times, not used appropriately. An incomplete or inaccurate Reference page is provided. | 0 pointsAppropriate sources are not used or sources are lacking entirely. Assessments are not supported with research. Reference page is incomplete or missing. |
Total 125/125 | Advanced 116-125 | Proficient 107-115 | Developing 1-106 | Not present |
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