As I discussed elsewhere Erikson characterized the big crisis during adolescence as identity vs. role confusion. There’s a lot of struggling as one comes to grips with who they are, from simple likes and dislikes to central core elements of personality and identity. One fundamental aspect of this would be one’s sexual orientation. In modern times this can be confusing and everyone goes through a period of questioning.
But consider what it must have been like in times past. For example, imagine being a homosexual male prior to the 1970’s. That in particular was simply not acceptable in that era. People ended up denying their sexuality and often pretended to be heterosexual in order to fit with societal expectations. That would even extend to a heterosexual marriage and having children. A person’s entire life might well be a lie. That kind of role confusion had devastating effects leading to alcoholism, drug abuse, depression and suicide.
For this assignment I’d like you all to consider what it must have been like for someone who was other than heterosexual in the United States prior to the 1970’s. Imagine not being able to confide to even your closest friends or family such a central part of your identity because you feared becoming a social outcast. Along with that, consider having to pretend to be straight in order to ‘fit in’ both socially and in the workplace. Then compare that to the much more accepting atmosphere of contemporary American society. Still, things aren’t perfect, but great strides have been made.
I’m not looking for opinions on sexual orientation itself. And you need not make any declaration as to your own sexual orientation. I’m simply asking you to consider what that experience would have been like in the past and how it has changed in modern times. What are the implications in terms of the individual’s growth and development as a person?