As a Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Department in a facility, part of your responsibility is to develop manual, procedures and guideline which relate to operational SHE.
Your facility generated a lot of waste, this also includes hazardous waste. In ensuring the proper disposal of hazardous waste, the facility has already appointed a hazardous waste collection contractor and waste disposal contractor (Cenviro-Kualiti Alam) as regulated in Malaysian Law.
However, prior to the collection, there are still no written procedures or process for handling and managing of waste (including hazardous waste) in the facility
Hence, the SHE Department are required to develop a waste management procedure for the facility from waste generation to collection by waste disposal contractor and disposal by approved contractor. The procedure should consider multiple type of waste generated in the facility. The procedure should contain a flow process and detailed process for:
Question: Develop a WASTE DISPOSAL procedure for:
1.Sea Disposal.
2.Waste Collection and Landfill Disposal.
The Hazardous wastes you should focus on are:
• Mercury
• Inorganic acid
• Discarded sludge
• Clinical Waste
• Radioactive waste
The following references should be considered when developing the procedure:
APA Citation
Include in-text citations
Use scholarly sources