Drawing from your previous lists of attributes of genres you have generated for the first major assignment in the course

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Drawing from your previous lists of attributes of genres you have generated for the first major assignment in the course, list a few rhetorical concepts you could teach to your learners. Then pick one and explain how you would go about teaching it. How would you help them remember what the concept is and how it works? How would you help them develop a skill that corresponds to the concept you have chosen? (response must be at least 500 words)

How does declarative or conceptual knowledge contribute to learning? How does it apply to learning writing skills? Develop a causal argument that explains how this could help learners in your classroom and in future writing tasks. (response must be at least 500 words)

Inventing the Medium,\” by Murray, from The MIT Press (2003).

Remediation: Understanding New Media,\” by Bolter & Grusin, from MIT Press (1999).

Teaching about About Writing, Righting Misconceptions: (Re)envisioning \”First-Year Composition\” as \’Introduction to Writing Studies\’ as \’Introduction to Writing Studies,\’\” by Downs and Wardle College Composition and Communication (2007)

Transfer of \”Declarative Knowledge in Complex Information-Processing Domains,\” by Harvey and Anderson from Human-Computer Interaction (1996)

Anderson, J. R. (1982). Acquisition of cognitive skill. Psychological Review89(4), 369–406. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1037/0033-295X.89.4.369

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Drawing from your previous lists of attributes of genres you have generated for the first major assignment in the courseAPA

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Drawing from your previous lists of attributes of genres you have generated for the first major assignment in the course

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