BTEC Higher National in Business ASSESSMENT BRIEF Unit 3 Human Resource Management 2020 UNIVERSITY OF SUNDERLAND
Higher National Diploma in Business
Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number
Unit Number and Title
3 Human Resource Management
Academic Year
Unit Tutor
Assignment Title
HR Organizational Audit & Training and Development
Issue Date
Assignment Due Date
Submission Format:
The assignment consists of two parts: Part A: The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 2,500 words (+/- 10%). Part B: The evaluation of HR practices and the process of training and development is a written piece of work with a recommended word limit of 1,000 words (+/- 10%).
Unit Learning Outcomes:
Part A: LO1 Explain the purpose and scope of Human Resource Management in terms of resourcing an organisation with talent and skills appropriate to fulfil business functions. LO2 Evaluate the effectiveness of the key elements of Human Resource Management in an organisation. LO3 Analyse internal and external factors that affect Human Resource Management decision-making, including employment legislation. Part B: LO4 Apply Human Resource Management practices in a work-related context.
Assignment Brief:
Part A: (2,500 words (+/- 10%)) As a newly appointed Human Resource Manager for an organisation of your choice, the CEO asks you to conduct an evaluation of the effectiveness of the HR function, which will be part of the strategic realignment. Currently the HR function largely operates with a traditional personnel and administrative role. The CEO wants you to identify the extent to which the current HR performs up to the contemporary expectation and performance. This evaluation has to be submitted in a case study report. The case study assessment report should cover then following: An overview of the organization.An explanation on the purpose of the HR function and the key roles and responsibilities of the HR function.An assessment of the approach to workforce planning, recruitment and selection, training & development, performance management and reward systems.The effectiveness of approaches to employee relations & employee engagement that affect human resource management decision-making.Key areas of employment legislation which the organization must work & how they affect human resource management decision-making. Part B: (1,000 words (+/- 10%)) You are asked to evaluate the training and development process of the current HR function. The assessment should be in the form of a written report which includes the following features: An overview of the training needs analysis process being implemented.Benchmark against the current practice with known best practices in Hong Kong.Conduct a brief post training effectiveness assessment.Calculate the Return on investment of current training efforts, and justify if the return rate is satisfactory or not.
Grading Criteria:
All Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 4 must be achieved in order to pass the module.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Learning Outcome
LO1 Explain the purpose and scope of Human Resource Management in terms of resourcing an organisation with talent and skills appropriate to fulfil business objectives
P1 Explain the purpose and functions of HRM, applicable to workforce planning and resourcing an organisation. P2 Explain the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection.
M1 Assess how the functions of HRM can provide talent and skills appropriate to fulfil business objectives. M2 Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection.
D1 Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection, supported by specific examples.
LO2 Evaluate the effectiveness of the key elements of Human Resource Management in an organisation.
P3 Explain the benefits of different HRM practices within an organisation for both the employer and the employee. P4 Evaluate the effectiveness of different HRM practices in terms of raising organisational profit and productivity.
M3 Explore the different methods used in HRM practices, providing specific examples to support evaluation within an organisational context.
D2 Critically evaluate HRM practices and application within an organisational context, using a range of specific examples.
LO3 Analyse internal and external factors that affect Human Resource Management decision-making, including employment legislation.
P5 Analyse the importance of employee relations in respect to influencing HRM decision-making. P6 Identify the key elements of employment legislation, and the impact it has upon HRM decision-making.
M4 Evaluate the key aspects of employee relations management and employment legislation that affect HRM decision-making in an organisational context.
LO3 & 4 D3 Critically evaluate employee relations and the application of HRM practices that inform and influence decision-making in an organisational context.
LO4 Apply Human Resource Management practices in a work-related context.
P7 Illustrate the application of HRM practices in a work-related context, using specific examples.
M5 Provide a rationale for the application of specific HRM practices in a work-related context.
Further Guidance:
If you would like to have feedback for improvement on your work/draft OR a plan on how you will approach the entire assignment, please submit the appropriate document to Canvas before 11 February 2021. A link will be provided in the Assignment Section and this will not be part of your assessment.
You should write this assignment as a formal report.
You must ensure that the submitted assignment is all your own work and that all sources used are correctly attributed. Penalties apply to assignments which show evidence of academic unfair practice.
You MUST underpin your analysis and evaluation of the key issues with appropriate and a wide range of academic research and ensure this is referenced using the Harvard system.
You should use diagrams and tables of figures where appropriate ensuring to reference their source using the Harvard Referencing method.
You are required to write your assignment within 2,500 words (+/- 10%) for Part A and 1,000 words (+/- 10%) for Part B. You are required to ensure that the assignment addresses all of the assessment tasks.
The word count excludes the title page, reference list and appendices. Where assessment questions have been reprinted from the assessment brief these will also be excluded from the word count. ALL other printed words ARE included in the word count. Printed words include those contained within charts and tables.
Your assignment should be submitted as a single document.
You could access HN Global for additional resources support and reading for this unit. For further guidance and support on report writing please refer to the Study Skills Unit on HN Global. Link to
You may show your assignment outlines (formative) to your teacher in class.
Guidelines for submitting online are on our online platform.
End of Document
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HR Organizational Audit & Training and Development