For this Dissertation, you will only need to work on Chapter 1 which is the introduction.
– For the purpose of this assignment, it should be around 2000 words excludes your bibliography.
– The ‘Dissertation Requirements’ and ‘GDI Dissertation Handbook’ will tell you what you will need to include in each part.
– I also uploaded a sample (‘Sampled Chapter One’) that you can refer to.
– For the references, it is recommended that you should cite a minimum of 20 primary references. Please ensure that some of these references relate to work (particularly journal papers) that has been published in the last two or three years. In order to obtain these references, please make use of the electronic resources (databases and e-journals) available through the University of Manchester library. Using the reference style described in the ‘Harvard Manchester Referencing Style Guide’.
– The Structure of your essay should be similar to the sample, which means the subtitle/structure for your essay should be:
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Problem Statement – In this section, you need to establish why this study is being conducted. Is there a need/gap/problem that warrants this study? What has been studied so far in this area and what is lacking that your study intend to fill the gap. In establishing this, it should be supported with academic literature. Once the gap is established, you indicate what you want to study.
1.3 Scope of the Study
1.4 Objectives of the Study – in this section, please list at least 5 objectives.
1.5 Research Questions – in this section, based on the objectives, you should also have at least 5 questions.
1.6 Significance of the Study
1.7 Organization of the study – In this section, start by indicating, the study is organized into five chapters. Chapter one comprises of the background to the study, scope of the research, objectives and research questions as well as the significance of the study and organization of the study. Do so for all the chapters
1.8 Conclusion