Humanities Question

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“Magic is at work in all sorts of modern practices”.

  • For Q-1, choose one advertisement that is similar to the one discussed in the article and analyze its similarities to magic. How does your chosen ad work as magic? (i.e., a beauty product, a cleaning product, car, food, or insurance ad)

Q-2: Can you think of any examples of magical thinking from your own life/culture? Think about times where you cannot find a rational explanation on why you or others do certain things in certain way or why you or others in your culture believe in certain things in certain ways. Be critical! Do not say you do not have any beliefs/rituals that are magical. Take an outsider perspective. (List 1 or 2)

Q-3: By using one or two of the magical beliefs/practices/rituals (discussed in Q-2), create a story (a paragraph) where you discuss them from the perspective of an outsider (imagine that you are an anthropologist and examining a different culture, use words like magic, supernatural, sacred, manipulation, when describing the ritual/superstitious belief)—like Miner, remember Nacirema Article. See two examples below.

Sample-1: On jewelry/diamond wedding ring

“This is an interesting phenomena that occurs in a certain society which prides itself on looking beyond materials, and professes to focus as much as possible on the person as possible. Love is a very desired feeling in this society, and is one that is almost seen as a commodity that can be bought with material goods. These goods are shiny small clear rocks, which are placed on a small circular metal material, which is then placed around the finger. This whole thing is given a very high value in the bonding and love of two individuals, and is seen as the object that seals the two individuals together. This idea is perpetuated by visual stories that are told by still and moving images (in television, videos), by those making and selling these circular metal objects with the shiny rocks on them. The gift of this object from the male to the female is usually the case, and the visual encouragement from those selling these objects can be seen as the manipulation to entice the buyers into their magic acts of making their desired ones fall in love.”

Sample-2: Lucky socks

“This act is one in which the user of the rite wears a particular piece of clothing that is seen as a magic object that will influence the outcome of the proceedings. The magic piece of clothing is placed at the feet, and is seen as magical because of the outcome of previous results when this piece of clothing was worn. This piece of clothing is used sparingly, on days when the individual is going to be tested by way of assessing their knowledge by a series of written questions on a piece of paper. This superstition is a rite that is only used when the outcome of the situation in uncertain, and is thought positively determine the outcome.”

MINI ESSAY about magic and divination

  • Learning how anthropologists define magic
  • Learning the debates on whether magic can be seen as religion
  • Understanding the function of magic and divination through ethnographic examples
  • Understanding the magical thinking in our everyday lives
  • Learning why people turn to magic and why magic seems to not fail.

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