Management of Psychiatric Conditions in Primary Care

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TOPIC: Social Anxiety Disorder STATE: Illinois 1.

Create a patient scenario for the behavioral health issue (SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORDER) A. Include the following sections: I. Patient chief complaint

II. History of present illness

III. Social history

IV. Family medical history

V. Past medical history

VI. Medications

VII. Treatment plan

2. State and Federal Regulations

A. Identify the state where you live.

B. Identify what your state laws say about prescribing behavioral health drugs without being certified and/or credentialed as a psych-mental health NP.

C. How does the Affordable Care Act affect behavioral health care?

D. How do these factors impact the patient in the scenario you provided?

3. Community Resources

A. Provide information on how you would know if the patient you create needs support beyond what you can provide as a primary care NP.

B. Identify community resources available in your area to refer patients in need of assistance before they can establish care with a primary mental health provider.

C. Identify the facilities in your area where you would send a patient in need of urgent assessment and intervention.

D. Identify resources in your area that are available to patients who may not be able to afford behavioral health care.

4. Legal & Ethical Considerations

A. Identify potential legal issues that could arise from how you do or do not choose to treat this patient.

B. Identify potential ethical issues that could arise from how you do or do not choose to treat this patient.

C. What follow-up is needed for your patient?

D. What do you need to do as a primary care provider to mitigate potential risks in providing care for behavioral health concerns?

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Management of Psychiatric Conditions in Primary Care

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