Assignment Guidelines 1. Select a piece of legislation proposed either in your state or at the national level. 2. Identify your state representative at the level of the bill—this will be either your state, House of Representatives, or Senate representative, depending on the bill that you selected. 3. Conduct a literature review to identify evidence pertaining to the issue addressed in the bill. Find at least three sources. 4. Develop a letter to send to your state legislator. This letter should integrate the evidence supporting your position. The following websites offer templates, examples, and/or guidelines for letters to legislators that you may want to consider. a. b. com/general-nursing-discussion/how-write-your-402285.html” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”> Grading Criteria Follow these guidelines in writing your letter. 1. Write the letter in a business letter format. 2. Include the following: a. introduction of self and professional position b. overview of the bill you want to address c. clear argument in support of or not in support of the bill d. integration of evidence from scholarly literature to support your position e. legal name, credentials, and contact information 3. Proofread the letter so that it is free of grammatical, spelling, and syntax errors. Â
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