A presentation on George Frideric Handel- Baroque period.
Please use the textbook attached to help you answer these questions as well as other sources.
The presentation should be about 7 minutes long and should contain biographical information as well pictures, maps, and visuals. Please do not talk about the composer’s music.
Please also write under each slide what do I say when presenting and make it look simple and clear also explain any picture , maps, and visuals in the slides.
(Please don’t make it look sophisticated)
I am also attaching the list of the biographical questions to answer about the composer please try to answer as many as you are able to in the presentation but don’t make it look complicated because this is a 100 level course and thank you.
Biographical Questions:
When and when was he born?
Who were his parents and what did they do for a living?
How many siblings did he have, were they musical?
Who were his teachers and musical influences?
Where did he go to school?
What University or College did he attend and what did he study?
What Religion was he?
Was he spiritual and did he compose music for a particular church or denomination
Where did he work and for whom?
Was he married and to whom?
Did he and his wife have children?
Did her children study music and with whom did they study music?
Did he have illnesses?
If so, how were they treated?
What were some interesting things about his life or events that happened in his life that are unique to his personality?
Where and when did he die and how?
Where is he buried?
Who did he influence or who were some of his most famous pupils?