Personal Nutrition and Food Intake Record Project Lab Report.
Personal Nutrition and Food Intake Record Project Lab Report.
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its about skinny girl who doesnt workout , and only eats Hala food. and do a lot of house work
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Personal Nutrition and Wellness Project
NURS 150-41, Contemporary Nutrition
Prof. Folliard
Upload Assignment on Canvas to dropbox by due date
PART 1-3: (30 points)
Part 1: Food Intake Record (10 points)
(Complete FOOD INTAKE RECORD attached) Record everything you eat and drink for two typical days, including amounts. Remember the record is not useful without the amounts. It is important to enter foods matching the cooking methods of the foods you ate (e.g., baked or fried), use of condiments, and descriptions of the food itself (e.g., whole grain bread, low fat yogurt, 1% milk, decaf coffee, diet soda, caffeine-free etc).
Part 2: Physical Activity Log (10 points)
(Complete PHYSICAL ACTIVITY LOG attached) Record everything you do for one typical day for example, showering, walking, sleeping, studying etc., including the intensity of each activity.
Part 3: Blood Pressure & Anthropometric Measurements Form (10 points)
Recommend: Finding an APP that you can use to evaluate your food intake, nutrient content, and Physical Activity
(e.g., “Lose It”, “My Fitness Pal”, “Fooducate”, etc.)
PARTS 4-6: (Paper/analysis) Three to Five Page Paper in APA format (30 points)
For Parts 4-6, you will write a careful analysis of your nutrition intake, energy balance, and fitness using all your assessment data. Please discuss how you compare to nutritional and fitness norms and recommendations. Use the Dietary Guideline for Americans—2015-2020. To what extent do you meet or not meet the guidelines as evidenced by your data?
Part 4: Macronutrients and Micronutrients (10 points)
Write a careful analysis of your macronutrient and micronutrient intake using all your data.
Part 5: Weight Management & Physical Activity (10 points)
Write an analysis of your weight management and physical activity using your data. Be sure to discuss the significance of your BMI, waist circumference, and percent body fat. (Body Mass Index p. Z inside back cover of text)
(See body weight versus body fatness p. 245-246)
Part 6: Lifestyle Improvements (10 points)
Write about changes and recommendations you should make for a healthier you! Personal Nutrition and Food Intake Record Project Lab Report
PART 7: (Paper/ Personal Reflection) One Page Paper in APA Format (10 points)
For part 7, you will write a personal reflection on this assignment.
Part 7: Personal Reflection on Personal Nutrition & Wellness Project (10 points)
Write about and share your feelings/thoughts reflecting on your personal health and wellness for this assignment.
PART 8: Paper must include: (30 points)
- Be written in APA format (for help with this, the writing center is a good place to visit/reach out to). Use references and cite correctly in APA format. Must write in black ink, size 12 font, times new roman font, and double spaced. Have at least ONE reference from an academic peer reviewed nursing article or journal that is from the years 2015 to 2020 and NO older. (15 points)
- Have correct spelling and grammar (10 points)
- Be turned in on time. (Turn in via canvas dropbox). There is a five-point deduction for each day it is late. (5 points)
Personal Nutrition and Wellness Project Total Points
Parts 1-8: 100 points
Blood Pressure & Anthropometric Measurements
Fill in whatever you can on this form (use your most recent blood pressure, anthropometric measurements from a physical assessment by an MD if unable to obtain yourself)
Name: ________________ Gender: male or female Birthdate:__________
Blood Pressure:
Anthropometric Measurements:
Height: Weight:
BMI: Percent body fat (bioelectrical impedance):
Waist Circumference:
NURS 150 Contemporary Nutrition
Day of the week
Timeam & pm! | MinutesSpentEating | MorS[1]* | H†(0-3) | PlaceofEating | Food – Including method of preparation, condiments | Amount in cups, oz, tsp, T | Reasonfor Choice |
NURS 150 Contemporary Nutrition PHYSICAL ACTIVITY LOG
Name Date
12:00 am | |||
1:00 am | |||
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11:00 pm |
[1] Key: *M or S: Meal or snack – H+ : Degree of hunger (0= none, 3 = maximum)