PSYCH 628 Pain Theories And Treatment Presentation
PSYCH 628 Pain Theories And Treatment Presentation
Research the literature on chronic pain, the gate control theory of pain, and behavioral theory of pain.
Select a specific pain disorder to present.
Develop a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation describing the following:
- The basics of gate control theory
- The basics of behavioral pain theory
- The ways in which the specific pain disorder you selected can be understood using each theory
- Potential evidence-based interventions based on each theory, and how you would use them in treatment planning
Include a minimum of five scholarly references.
Format your citations consistent with APA guidelines.
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Pain Theories and Treatment Presentation
November 10, 2014
Week 4 Team B presentation
Gate Control Theory
Behavioral Pain Theory
Use of Psychogenic Pain in Theories
Evidence-Based Interventions in Theories
“Pain is major health problem that affects more than 50 million American, costing more than $100 billion annually” (Straub, 2012 p. 418). This cost is a direct effect of health care cost and lost of wages and is most sort for treatment by patients. Often pain is formed through biological, psychological, and sociobehavioral forces. Pain signals that something is wrong and to take precautions but, not feeling on the other hand can be harmful. Because pain is such a strong motivator for action, it is considered one of the body’s most important protective mechanisms. Pain is divided into three categories known as acute, recurrent, and chronic pain. There are several theories of pain that have been formulated such as the gate control theory and behavioral pain theory that will be discussed and defined within this presentation. The presentation will discussed psychogenic pain as the chosen pain disorder selected by Team B. As part of this specific disorder (psychogenic pain) the way in which this pain disorder can be understood through the use of the gate control theory and behavioral pain theory will be defined. Also, potential evidence-based interventions in regards to the two theories (gate control & behavioral pain) and there use in treatment planning will be discussed.
Gate Control Theory
“In 1965, Ronald Melzack and Peter wall outlined a gate control theory (GCT) that moved past some of the shortcomings of earlier theories” (Straub, 2012 p. 428). This theory involves a mechanism in the brain acts as a gate to increase or decrease the flow of nerve impulses from the peripheral fibers to the central nervous system. As depicted in diagram above “open” gate allows the flow of nerve impulses, and the brain can perceive pain. A “closed” gate does not allow flow of nerve impulses, decreasing the perception of pain (Srivastava, 2010). The gate control theory looks at the complex structure of the of the central nervous system that involves the central and peripheral nervous systems. “In the gate control theory, the experience of pain depends on a complex interplay of these two systems as they each process pain signals in their own way (Deardorff, 2003).