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I need these questions answered in 150 words each


So how is HP viewed today? With the development of Positive Psychology by Marty Seligman, the HP movement has a fit. PSYCHOLOGY/NURSING QUESTIONS

Here is the APA website for the Society of Humanistic Psychology

Attached is an article on the renaissance of HP.  What appeals to you regarding HP?  Do you have any criticisms, concerns regarding HP?

Attached Files file:///C:/Users/James%20Dada/Downloads/Renaissance%20of%20Humnistic%20Psych..pdf


Critiquing Humanistic Psychology

Of course no theory is without its potential shortcomings.  Attached is an interesting article on why HP has lost its power in American Psychology.  The author raises some interesting points. What do you think?

Attached Files



As you continue working on your 10 strategic points and your chapter 2, remember that you will need a theoretical framework/model. This section identifies the theories or models that provide the foundation for the project. This section should present the theories or models(s) and explain how the problem under investigation relates to the theory or model. Sometimes however, students can have difficulty figuring out the difference between theory, theoretical framework and a conceptual framework so they have trouble explaining how their framework related to the problem being addressed with their project. Is there a difference between a theory, theoretical framework, and a conceptual framework?

  • attachmentRenaissanceofHumnisticPsych.1.pdf
  • attachmentHPLOSTPOWER.pdf


A renaissance for humanistic psychology

The field explores new niches while building on its past.


September 2002, Vol 33, No. 8

Print version: page 42

7 min read


Long plagued by an image problem, humanistic psychology is undergoing revitalization.

Humanistic psychology has, of course, quietly influenced both American psychology and culture

over many decades by informing the civil rights debate and women’s rights movements, for

example. But in recent years, there’s mounting evidence of renewal in the field itself.

In 2000, humanistic psychologists convened a historic conference that re-energized the field

while revealing that the effects of managed care, psychopharmacology and other trends are

resulting in many humanists branching into exciting new practice arenas. Last year, the field

published several landmark texts that humanists hope will form the basis of new courses that

will attract newcomers to the field. And schools across the nation are reporting that interest

among students is already skyrocketing.

“There is room for great optimism about the future of the field,” says Larry M. Leitner, PhD,

president of APA’s Div. 32 (Humanistic) and a psychology professor at Miami University in

Oxford, Ohio.

Influencing mainstream psychology

Emerging in the late 1950s, humanistic psychology began as a reaction against the two schools

of thought then dominating American psychology. Behaviorism’s insistence on applying the

methods of physical science to human behavior caused adherents to neglect crucial subjective

data, humanists believed. Similarly, psychoanalysis’s emphasis on unconscious drives relegated

the conscious mind to relative unimportance.

The early humanistic psychologists sought to restore importance of consciousness and offer a

more holistic view of human life. Abraham Maslow, for instance, developed a hierarchy of

motivation culminating in self-actualization. Carl Rogers introduced what he called person-

centered therapy, which relies on clients’ capacity for self-direction, empathy and acceptance

to promote clients’ development. Rollo May brought European existentialism and

phenomenology into the field by acknowledging human choice and the tragic aspects of human


In 1964, these and other influential figures came together in Old Saybrook, Conn., to

consolidate their movement. Over the next decade, humanistic psychology’s ideas informed the

civil rights, women’s liberation and antiwar movements and gained widespread popularity in

the wider culture.

In the academic world, however, humanistic psychology’s rejection of quantitative research in

favor of qualitative methods caused its reputation to suffer and its adherents to be


Now that’s changing, says Donald P. Moss, PhD, author of “Humanistic and Transpersonal

Psychology: A Historical and Biographical Sourcebook” (Greenwood, 1998). According to Moss,

humanistic perspectives inform much of mainstream psychology.

“When humanistic psychology came to the fore in the 1950s, psychology was restricted to

studying observable behavior for the most part,” says Moss, a partner at West Michigan

Behavioral Health Services in Grand Haven and Muskegon. “Today we’re no longer surprised

when a psychological researcher wants to study cognitions, thinking and feeling as part of

psychological research. Psychology has reclaimed the totality of human experience.”

For many humanistic psychologists, the recent positive psychology movement is simply

humanistic psychology repackaged. Similarly, crisis counseling’s emphasis on empathic listening

finds its roots in Rogers’s work. In the wider culture, the growing popularity of personal and

executive coaching also points to humanistic psychology’s success. And Moss believes

humanistic psychology’s tenets will only become more relevant as the nation ages, creating a

culture preoccupied with facing death and finding meaning in life.

In fact, humanistic psychology has been so successful at influencing mainstream psychology and

American culture that the field recently suffered what Maureen O’Hara, PhD, calls an “identity

crisis.” Had humanistic psychology permeated the culture so completely that the movement

itself was no longer necessary?

To answer that question, the field convened a conference called Old Saybrook 2 in 2000. More

than 300 people gathered at the State University of West Georgia to explore the movement’s


“Participants concluded that the human needs, hunger, questioning that had inspired our

original thinkers were just as urgent today,” says O’Hara, a member of the conference steering

committee and president of Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center in San Francisco.

“People are more interested in questions of spirituality, authenticity and meaning than they

have been for a decade or two.”

Exploring new niches

Of special interest to conference-goers was humanistic psychology’s role in the face of such

trends as health-care consolidation, globalization and technology’s ascendancy.

“Psychotherapy is under a great deal of new pressure from managed care on the one hand and

the psychopharmacology and neuropsychology revolutions on the other hand,” explains

O’Hara. “When we all got together, we realized that there are a set of new vocations that have

their roots in humanistic psychology ideas, but they’re going somewhere new. We’re finding

ways to work with people in different arenas.”

The key, she and others at the conference decided, is to look beyond the medical model of

psychology. Instead of focusing on what’s wrong with people, humanistic psychologists should

find new ways of helping people strengthen what’s right.

This nonpathologizing view opens up whole new areas of practice, say O’Hara and others. In the

workplace, for example, humanistic psychologists can facilitate dialogues between employers

and employees about the meaning of their work. In schools, they can encourage students to

identify factors that promote alienation rather than self-actualization. In communities, they can

help neighbors resolve conflicts and communicate effectively.

And the opportunities aren’t just in this country, says O’Hara. Humanistic psychologists have

“waded fearlessly” into dangerous situations to facilitate dialogues between white and black

citizens of South Africa, Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland, and Contras and

Sandinistas in Nicaragua.

Spreading the word

While the Old Saybrook 2 conference re-energized the movement, several new publications are

helping the field counter its long-standing image problem.

“In some ways, we still suffer from our reputation of being touchy-feely, of being soft-hearted

and soft-minded,” says David J. Cain, PhD, a senior staff psychologist at the counseling center of

Alliant International University in San Diego. “Now we’re paying much more attention to

research. The humanistic psychologist of today is still soft-hearted, but much more tough-


A volume Cain recently co-edited with Julius Seeman, PhD, “Humanistic Psychotherapies:

Handbook of Research and Practice,” reflects that new tough-mindedness. To counter the

field’s reputation for sloppy science, the volume draws on rigorous research in its description of

various psychotherapeutic models.

But Cain’s book isn’t the only one. “All of a sudden, there’s a plethora of new humanistic books

out there,” he says.

“The Handbook of Humanistic Psychology: Leading Edges in Theory, Research, and Practice” is

another book humanistic psychologists point to as a recent landmark. By providing a broad

overview of humanistic psychology’s history, methodologies and applications to current affairs,

the volume’s editors hope to provide an alternative to the outdated materials that have helped

limit the field’s growth in the past.

“Mainstream introductory psychology texts have either ignored humanistic psychology

altogether or given it token space,” says senior editor of the handbook Kirk J. Schneider, PhD, a

private practitioner in San Francisco who is also an adjunct faculty member at Saybrook. “Not

only are the field’s pioneers being neglected but also the field’s interest in very contemporary,

relevant issues like gender, multiculturalism and ecology. And these do not even begin to

encompass the valuable contributions humanists are making in the areas of health care,

spirituality and social action.”

Schneider hopes that his and other new books will inspire the creation of humanistic

psychology courses at universities around the country and help bring a new generation to the

field. Attracting fresh blood is crucial, say others, citing the imminent retirement of many

humanistic psychologists and the displacement of others into such fields as counseling, religious

studies, organizational studies and peace studies.

According to O’Hara, student interest in humanistic psychology is already soaring. The Saybrook

Graduate School has doubled its student body in just four years, for example.

Fortunately, O’Hara says, there’s plenty of work for humanistic psychologists.

Says O’Hara, “If what you have is a way to help people address the significant questions of their

lives, then there are ‘Help Wanted’ signs all over the place.”

Rebecca A. Clay is a writer in Washington, D.C.


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