Submit your complete research journal for the course
Journal Prompt
This week, compile a collection of bibliographies for the attached articles that you have read. Write a personal reflection about each attached article. The articles are in each attached files.
Assignment Instructions
Submit your research journal entries to date. In your entries, your instructor will be looking for definite insight into design and implications of research as well as your awareness of the increased complexity of research and the AIP process.
Social Efficiency
- Schiro, M. P. Social efficiency ideology [PDF].
- Knoll, M. (2009). From Kidd to Dewey: The origin and meaning of “social efficiency.” Journal of Curriculum Studies, 41(3), 361–391.
- Null, J. W. (2004). Social efficiency splintered: Multiple meanings instead of the hegemony of one. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 19(2), 99–124.
Social Reconstruction
- Edupedia. (2018, June 10). What is social reconstructionism?
- Parks, M. W. (2006). I am from a very small town: Social reconstructionism and multicultural education. Multicultural Perspectives, 8(2), 46–50.
- Stern, B. S., & Riley, K. L. (2002). Historical legacy: Linking Harold Rugg and social reconstructionism to “authenticity” in theory and practice. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, 4(2), 113–121.
· Write Your Discussion Post
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
- Competency 1: Build theoretical and environmental context around a problem or opportunity for improvement within the curriculum, instruction, and assessment environment.
- Journal is a compilation of the components of designing and implementing an effective AIP.
- Competency 2: Apply research skills to conduct a needs assessment for a problem of practice.
- Journal entries are complete and articulate the learner’s understanding of conducting a C&I needs assessment.