Since this assignment requires research take a look at this video as well.
Narrow Your Research (Links to an external site.)
You will choose from ONE of the following topics, or, if you have a topic that you feel strongly about you may write about that. As in other essays, please run the topic by me first. Also, while many of you may feel strongly about your religious beliefs, you need to avoid an argument essay that tries to convince someone to believe your religion.
Next, you will decide on a thesis statement and begin researching based on your thesis statement.
You have to have at least three sources for this essay.
Drug Laws
Unpaid Internships
Women in Combat
Police Brutality
Your essay needs to be written in MLA style with a correctly formatted Works Cited page and in-text citations. (See video below.) Your essay must be 4–6 pages in length (Works Cited page not included).
MLA (Links to an external site.)
You must:
Use third person (consistent point of view)
Use MLA formatting throughout (heading, header, double-space, same font throughout, in-text citations, Works Cited page, etc.)