Sports Management Question

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Select one of the topics below realted to the economics of sport. Provide supporting details, sources and evidence in your paper when writing about the chosen topic. You NEED to write about the economic aspect of your topic. See below for points to keep in mind:

  • Minimum of 5-7 pages, size 12, Times New Roman font, double-spaced, standard 1″ marigns.
  • Please provide a cover page
  • Your works cited page should list all of the outside sources used, including your textbook.
  • Please use reliable, scholarly sources. Do not use wikipedia.
  • Attach your paper as a word doc or PDF.

Topic Options:

1. What is the economic impact of canceling the 2020 Olympics?

2. What is the economic impact of the cancelation of March Madness in 2020?

3. From an economics standpoint, who benefits the most from a new stadium in your city (or a city of your choice), the team, the fans or the city as a whole?

*Please note that you MUST focus your paper on the economics of sport. Do not get off track or write about other areas. The focus needs to be on economics and our course content from the text.

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Sports Management Question

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