Vargas Family: Family Crisis.
Vargas Family: Family Crisis.
Details: ( Attached File)
Read “Topic 7: Vargas Family Case Study.”
Part 1: Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT): Review the Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Manual located in the topical materials. Identify a specific presenting concern that one of the Vargas family members has identified this week. Create a “transcript” of the session where the therapist uses solution-oriented language to identify a solution to the problem. The transcript should be 500-750-words in length. Use the SFBT Manual transcripts as an example.
Part 2: Narrative Therapy: Identify one member of the Vargas family whose dominant story could use some re-writing. Consider the course of treatment and write a mid-treatment letter to the identified family member. See your book and the Dulwich Center for examples. The letter should be 500-750-words in length.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
PCN-521 Topic 7: Vargas Case Study
Since the last session, you received a call from Elizabeth who stated her family was in crisis. She reported that her nephew Geoff, the 15-year-old stepson of Bob’s sister, Katie, had nearly overdosed. She said that the family had noticed some changes with Geoff since his father’s recent death, but attributed the poor mood and slipping grades to the normal effects of grief. Elizabeth said that Geoff had never used drugs, as far as anybody in the family knew, and that the overdose was “a total surprise.” Elizabeth reported that after learning of this, Bob’s mother, Linda, called the school counselor but complained to Katie that “she was not at all helpful,” and told Katie exactly how she should handle it. Katie spoke with the school counselor who told her that she was not allowed to speak with Linda due to matters of confidentiality. Elizabeth informed you that Katie had shared her frustration with the school counselor’s suggestions to help him “get his mind off the sadness,” and believed he needed more help. You learned that Bob’s father, Tim, was trying his best to help, and that Elizabeth felt his intrusion was making matters worse. Among other things, Tim had taken Geoff out of school on a week-long camping trip against Katie’s wishes. Elizabeth said that the involvement of Linda and Tim, despite their good intentions, had begun to cause widespread family strife and asked if you could possibly see the entire family. You agreed to provide a session with Elizabeth, Bob, Tim, Linda, Katie, and Geoff.