What caught your attention about this lesson and why?  Assignment (No less than 300 words) Think of different, specific,

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 Reflective Journal (No less than 150 words).

  • What caught your attention about this lesson and why? 

Assignment (No less than 300 words)

Think of different, specific, examples of things you have learned through the types of conditioning discussed in this module. 

Explaining the behaviors you learned, and identify the key “components” and vocabulary of the learning, such as the UCS, UCR, CS, CR, positive or negative reinforcement, shaping, etc. 

  1. Describe one example of something learned through classical conditioning.
  2. Describe one example of something learned through operant conditioning.
  3. Describe one example of something learned through observational learning or latent learning.


Professor’s Lesson:

*Focus preferably these 2 videos below:

– https://app.vidgrid.com/view/uEKEyoXq2hLV/?sr=GMtkfU

– https://app.vidgrid.com/view/wLHIbiFVoaKX/?sr=ZRCQTH

Additonal Resources:

– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSHWzOXJDSs&feature=youtu.be

– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JA96Fba-WHk

– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6LEcM0E0io

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What caught your attention about this lesson and why?  Assignment (No less than 300 words) Think of different, specific,

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